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Breastfeeding: Getting A Strong Start
Starting At The Beginning
Welcome! So glad you're here! (5:28)
Anatomy-What's under the hood? (10:49)
Your Nips (2:15)
Your Breastfeeding Checklist-Getting Ready (8:42)
Baby's's GO time.
Why Skin To Skin Helps Baby Breastfeed (1:29)
Nailing The Latch (25:45)
Understanding Capacity & Cues (11:35)
Fussy Baby? (5:00)
Postpartum Emotions & Adjustment (2:48)
Medications, Alcohol & Smoking (4:14)
Premature Infants & the NICU Graduate (4:39)
Pumps & Bottles
Preparing for Bottlefeeding (6:39)
Sizing Things Up: Breastshields & Nipple Shields (15:53)
Troubleshooting & Plan "B"
Clogged Ducts (3:26)
Breast Infections (9:43)
Milk Supply Concerns (14:21)
Everything hurts? (10:09)
When it's really not going well. (3:45)
Instagram vs. Reality (1:31)
Anatomy-What's under the hood?
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